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Lucy Dulfer Library |
Luijendijk - Lucia Maria (1940 - 2002) Calvary Counselling Centre Het Calvary Counselling Centre werdopgericht .. en stelde zich ten doel ... . In 1995 kwam Lucie in contact met CCC. Zij schreef daarover in haar reisverslag ... Zij had een positieve kijk CCC. Met name ook vanwege de aandacht die CCC (als enige organisatie binnen de PCI in N.O. India) had voor drugs- en aids/HIV-problematiek onder jongeren. Zij had een goede relatie met de directeur Mr Amun Leivon. Zie ook zijn email van 31 januari 2003 (zie onderop deze pagina). Zijn betrokkenheid bleek reeds uit onderstaand condoleancebericht dat hij stuurde na Lucie's overlijden in october 2002 : Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:05:20 +0100 (BST) Dear mr Gerard, Thank you very much for your circular letter that
which was not an usual at all this time hearing the news about Mrs.
Lucy. We also got the news from Miss I soon passed on the news to my colleagues at the CCC. They also really have lost Mrs. Lucy and expressed their deep sorrow. On 12th october 2002 (saturday), we organised a Condolence Service at the CCC a place where the name of Mrs. Lucy is to be remembered always. Yes, she is no more. But, her good name is in the history of CCC. We remember her compassionate heart and will continue to remember. I made my first contact with mrs. Lucy in the year 1995 while she was with Mission and World Service of the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands. I have learned so much from her through the years with special qualities of wisdom, simplicity, humility and generosity that she had. Even after she retired from service, we received her letters, cards and , she still have the North-East of India at a special place in her heart specially for the CCC. We really missed her. We also very much love and respect Mrs. Lucy. We all join our hands and pray that her soul may be rest in peace on the Lord's hand. We hope also that we will meet her one day in Heaven, our eternal Home. It is a testimony for many of us that "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain". How is your health? We will also continue to pray for you and all loveones in the family. Sincerely yours in Christ, Amun Leivon Enkele maanden later nam hij het initatief om een kleine Lucy Dulfer
Library (shelf = boekenkast) op te zetten als onderdeel van de bibliotheek
van het CCC. Zie onderstaande email. Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:00:34 +0000 (GMT)
Greetings from Calvary Counselling Centre! Your kind letter of 6th November,2002 was in receipt in time. Thank you so much. We really like the photograph of Mrs. Lucy that was enclosed. It was our happiness to hear from you. The main reason of writing this letter is about our Plan for the memorial of Mrs. Lucy. She is no more but we still remember her. I made first contact in 1995 and since than we had opportunity to work together during her time with Mission and World Service of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. She came to Manipur in 1997. I personally met her 3 times at different places in North East India. When I met her at Silchar (Perhaps the last meeting) with Mrs. Lin Tyeng, we had a very meaningful time and discussion. On the departure morning , Mrs. Lucy Smiled and said to me - "Amun, don't worry I will be your grand mother". It was an amazing grace that how she kept th! e CCC at a special place in her heart. We also very much love and respect. I also personally learned so much from Mrs. Lucy with her special qualities of wisdom, simplicity, humility, and compasionate. She did big more than words. She was, indeed, the "light bearer" for the CCC in North East India. As a token of our deep love and respect, the Committe is planning to install a small library for the CCC in a loving memorial of Mrs. Lucy. For which, we are preparing with a big size Steel Book-Shelf (Almirah with glass front side) and different 100 christian books at the starting. The books are mainly on family, mission, counselling, other biblicals, etc. On the second page of every book, seal will be stamped with the words"This book is dedicated in loving memory of Late Mrs. Lucy Dulfer-Lujendijk, Amersfoort, The Netherlands". On the front of the book -shelf (Almirah), a photograph of Mrs. Lucy wi! ll also be pasted with the words as follows - "This library is dedicated in loving memorial of Mrs. Lucy Dulfer-Lujendijk, Amersfoort, The Netherlands". We will need your kind suggestion and comment regarding this plan. Any addition or deduction is appreciated. Above all, we request your kind approval. How are you and your health? Let us continue to pray for one another. Wishing you blessed and peaceful New year! Sincerely yours in Christ, Amun Leivon e-mail: leivonccc@yahoo.co.in Gerard Dulfer reageerde - na overleg met Diederik en Bastiaan - positief
en doneerde enkele boeken uit de nalatenschap van Lucie.
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